Announcing the Results of the 3Rs Project with the “Waste Reduction” Challenge – “REDUCE” Phase
Phase 1 of the 3Rs Project "Reduce - Reuse - Recycle" concluded successfully after over 3 months, receiving a good response and active involvement from VASers across 6 campuses in the VAS system.
VAS is promoting the "Reduce Waste" Challenge as part of the 3Rs environmental effort, encouraging students to modify their behaviors and prepare essential goods like water bottles and straws. Utilize bamboo, glass containers, and cloth bags to entirely substitute single-use plastic products when attending school, going out, or shopping.
VAS enforces self-discipline and instills habits in students by conducting random class checks and evaluations. Furthermore, the school and VAS teachers consistently promote cleanliness in the classroom and emphasize the importance of using recyclable goods to enhance knowledge of sustainable living in the community.
During the 3Rs Project implementation, each classroom designates a student as a "Green Ambassador" to urge students to reduce trash.
VAS would like to congratulate the classes at the following campuses on their accomplishment of the 3Rs Project's "Reduce" phase, which involved minimising waste in the classroom:
- Ba Thang Hai campus: 1B9, 2B9, 3B3, 4B3, 5B5, 6B6, 7B7, 8B4, 9B8, 10B1, 11B6, 12B2
- Sunrise campus: Class group 1S1 - 1S2 - 1S3 - 1S4, Class group 2S1 - 2S2 - 2S3, Class group 3S1 - 3S2 - 3S3 - 3S4, Class group 4S1 - 4S2 - 4S3 - 4S4, Class group 5S1 - 5S2 - 5S3, 6S2, 7S2, 8S2, 9S3, 10S1, 11S2, 12S2
- Sala campus: 1L1, 2L2, 3L2, 4L5, 5L2, 6L5, 7L4, 8L1, 9L4, 10L1, 11L2, 12L2
- Hoang Van Thu campus: 3H1, 4H2, 5H2, 7H4, 9H3, 10H3
- Garden Hills campus: 1G7, 2G3, 3G6, 4G7, 5G2, 6G8, 7G1, 8G4, 9G1, 10G1, 11G3, 12G1
- Riverside campus: 1R2, 2R2, 3R2, 4R2, Class group 5R1 - 5R2, 6R1, 6R3, 7R1, 9R1, 10R1
VAS has the belief that the 3Rs Project "Reduce - Reuse - Recycle," can contribute to enhancing students' environmental responsibility by fostering the practice of utilising second-hand goods and recyclable, eco-friendly alternatives, while also minimising the reliance on plastic bags and disposable things. Let’s join VAS in anticipating phase 2 "Reuse" with the topic "Recycling Contest" in 2024!