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Final Round English Speaking Contest 2022 - Let your English’s talents shine

The English speaking contest, which is part of a series of VAS’s annual activities, aims to create a truly rewarding playground for students who are passionate about English and provide them with the opportunity to unleash their creativity, as well as creating a communication environment and improving their English skills. This year, the contest will be held for Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary students with the main topic "Happiness, Health and Well-Being" that appeals to many young people.


In the school year 2021-2022, the contest will be held in two forms: online presentation for Kindergarten and Primary students and a face-to-face debate for Secondary students.

With a presentation on a given topic, Kindergarten and Primary students will demonstrate their English skills and online presentation skills via the Microsoft Teams application, making arguments and expressing their points of view based on what they have learned.

For Secondary, the best students will debate directly through a group competition on the topic given by the organizers. This is an opportunity for them to hone and sharpen their speaking skills in English and develop their critical thinking skills when giving opinions and commenting on current outstanding events and issues.

Let’s cheer for the contestants and welcome to the new champions of the 2022 English Speaking Contest!

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